
Cool Photo Processing images

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Check out these photo processing images:

Documenting the Pilgrimage
photo processing
Image by Stuck in Customs
The temples sprawl all around Cambodia. This is quite the holy spot for Buddhists who travel here from locations all around the world. You can tell what sect they are from based on their robes. I was able to sit with one for a few hours and we watched dozens of monks walk by and he could tell me exactly where each one was from based on the slight color variation in their robes and the way it was folded.

Also, if you all want to see some of the behind-the-scenes activity here and see the book-cover selection process for "A World in HDR", visit the Stuck In Customs Facebook Fan Page, where we have a discussion forum. Once you are in there, just click on "Discussions", and you can see the four images we were considering for the cover. Feel free to give your opinions in there... I put one of the other favorites here below! :)

That FB Fan Page is also a good place to have "General Discussions". The only bad thing about the blog is that each discussion is tied to a single post. That's great, and people always seem to have interesting ideas and experiences to share. But I wanted you to know that you are more than welcome to start up any discussion you wish inside the FB Fan Page Discussions area...

from the blog at www.stuckincustoms.com
