
Cool Family Photo images

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A few nice family photo images I found:

Me and Mum
family photo
Image by Earthworm
This is the picture we're using for the cover of the book, only in black and white. It captures the voice of the book and hints at the bi-racial perspective. The book is a lot about my mother's story coming to Thailand as a young wife. The book designers are lavishing lots of attention on the book. This wouldn't normally be so for a first time writer. My publisher is throwing lots of money into it because he's trying to ramp up his publishing company and this is the second book to be published by Blue Toffee. The publisher is also, incidentally married to my cousin, which just goes to show that it's true what they say about having connections. All the American agents I sent it to didn't feel it would have a big enough audience in the US. There is, however, lots of interest in interacial families in South East Asia where the book will be distributed (Singapore, Malaysia and Bangkok. What an interesting book tour that's going to be.)

Family Taking Photos at Waimea
family photo
Image by le_don
