
Cool Photo Album images

Large Rectangle

Check out these photo album images:

King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King
photo album
Image by dhammza
Esta es una manía que tengo de siempre: rediseñar como a mi me de la gana las portadas de mis discos favoritos. Y esta serie será justamente eso, mi música revisitada en el mero ejercicio estético de combinar imagen y tipografía.
Todas las fotos son originales mías.

This is an obsession i have since ever: redesigning the way i wanted the covers of my favourite records. This series will be no more than that, my music revisited in just an aesthetic exercise combining images and typography.
All the images are mine.

More here.

Provide the next Satchel Blue album cover
photo album
Image by jthornett
How would you like to provide the design or photograph for the next Satchel Blue album cover?

Our fifth album, Another Fine Day, is due for release in February and we'd like your ideas for the front cover.

There's no prize as such, but if you've got the perfect cover then we'll credit you in the album sleeve and your work will be available via iTunes for all to see. (Oh, and you'll get a free copy of the album of course).

The back cover (in the non-iTunes, old skool CD packaging world) might look something like this. Then again, it might not.

Our last album, February, is available to download from iTunes.

Photographs/designs to me by the end of January please.

Get in touch via Twitter, Flickr or Facebook.

Chic Sect
photo album
Image by epiclectic
C'est Chic
Atlantic SD 19209
