
Cool Photo Sizes images

Large Rectangle

A few nice photo sizes images I found:

Melting Down
photo sizes
Image by Yogendra174
Just realized that landscapes look great with 18 mm (even with 10 mm for those with big budgets) but only a 300mm lens can capture the sun "football size" melting down in the sea.

This one captured on west coast of India (Ganpatipule, Maharahstra)... the white patch at the bottom is clean-white-wet sand reflecting sunlight)

This was a virgin private beach attached to the "Tranquility" resort where i was put up for 3 days...

(not advertising.. but its totally WORTH it if you are not in a hurry!)
(humm.. just realized that i am starting to write blogs below the photos :D)

Treacherous Art | 119.365
photo sizes
Image by Stephan Geyer
Taken for my Project 365. Your comments give me the will to continue, so come on: say something! Do view Large On Black for extra oomph.

Please don't leave badges, group images or invitations on my photos.
