
Cool Photo Sizes images

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Some cool photo sizes images:

Moon In A Haze
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Image by Property#1
Took this image six nights ago before our days of wind and rain. This particular evening the moon actually had like a hazy cloud over it the photo does not do the sight justice at all.

Take a Close Look

Butterflyweed seed pod, opened
photo sizes
Image by Martin LaBar
A butterflyweed (Asclepias tuberosa) seed pod, opened, or opening. The brown seeds, and the white fibers that, if all goes well, will open out and serve to catch enough wind to distribute them, are clearly visible. They are more visible at the larger sizes. This plant belongs to the milkweed family. I'm not sure if it's the same genus.

This photo, although it doesn't show the seeds, shows the fiber parachutes unfurled.

What a sunny day in Ottawa...
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Image by spettacolopuro
image is large, to really see all the details please view it original size

The Parliament House, Ottawa, Canada

Canon Powershot G9,
handheld panoramic picture

summer 2009

photo is geotagged
