
Nice Photo Prints photos

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Some cool photo prints images:

Abraham Lincoln
photo prints
Image by Smithsonian Institution
Description: “All quiet along the Potomac”

Mathew Brady’s cameraman, Thomas Le Mere, thought that a standing pose of the president would be popular. Lincoln wondered if it could be accomplished in one shot, and this is the successful result. It was taken on April 17, 1863, an interregnum after an eventful winter that saw the implementation of the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1 and a further reshuffling of the command of the Army of the Potomac following the disastrous Union defeat at Fredericksburg on December 13, 1862. Joseph Hooker replaced the hapless Ambrose Burnside, refitted the army, and prepared to move south. Striking Lee at Chancellorsville on May 1, Hooker obtained a strong initial advantage but was undone by Lee and “Stonewall” Jackson’s audacious flank attack on the Union right, just as the sun set on the battle’s first day. Demoralized, Hooker withdrew, allowing Lee to invade the North for the second time.

Studio: Mathew Brady Studio

Creator/Photographer: Thomas Le Mere

Medium: Albumen silver print

Dimensions: 8.6 cm x 5.4 cm

Date: 1863

Persistent URL: http://photography.si.edu/SearchImage.aspx?id=5765

Repository: National Portrait Gallery

Accession number: NPG.79.151
