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Image by UrvishJ
some shots from a village full of chaarans...little apprehensive the adult ones for their tattoos to be clicked, managed some kids however. chaarans were the ones who used to lift the spirit of king and his troops during the war times by their vocal expertise

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Image by UrvishJ
© Urvish Joshi Photography 2005-'11

Photography and Post-Production: Urvish Joshi
Twitter: twitter.com/#!/Cacofuny

The image is copyright protected and any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Contact - doc.urvish@gmail.com if interested in the image.

chaaran girl
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Image by UrvishJ
she just couldn't stop laughing somehow. amazing kid! these people r so fond of ornaments...even in the school-going age! loved her 3 rings...might put another shot just to highlight them :)
