
6th Street Alamo Ritz, Austin Texas

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6th Street Alamo Ritz, Austin Texas
photo images
Image by Visualist Images
Since you are here, please, make a comment. :-) even a little one... Also, If you like my photography, check out my website/blog at: www.JohnRRogers.com for more information.

I've spent the past couple of days trying to organize my images. I have a LOT of different images. Some I have posted here, some I have posted on my website, some on HDRSpotting.com, some are sold by local art dealers and gift shops. Most just sit forgotten on my hard drives hoping to be discovered. I am trying to bring order to this chaos . Not an easy task for me. I will be the first to admit I am organizationally challenged. An additional benefit of reviewing all these old images is I keep discovering photos that I had forgotten. This is one such image. I photographed this one evening when I was pulling some images together for Midwest Living Magazine. They were looking for images of 6th Street for an article on Austin so I thought I would shoot some fresh shots to try & get the sale. They actually ended up using another of my 6th street photos I shot that same evening. You can see that photo here.

A note about my Creative Commons - Non Commercial Licensing.
If you derive any income from your website through sales of products or services or receive revenue from advertising placed on your site then you do not qualify to use my images under my creative commons license. If your are a not for profit corporation or political campaign, you also do not qualify under my Non Commercial license. I do license my images to commercial enterprises for a very reasonable fee. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
If you are truly a non-commercial site and would like a copy of this image without my watermark, feel free to contact me with the details of your intended use.
