
Nice Photo Letters photos

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Some cool photo letters images:

Letter from Booker T. Washington, 1911
photo letters
Image by Special Collections at Wofford College
Title: Letter from Booker T. Washington to W.L. Clause
Date Original: 1911-05-02
Description: Booker T. Washington solicits funds
for the Tuskegee Institute (in Alabama). He writes to W.L. Clause, president
of the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co.

Creator: Washington, Booker T., 1856-1915
Subject(s): Washington, Booker T., 1856-1915
Tuskegee Institute
Alternative Title: 080428-82
Publisher: Wofford College
Date Digital: 2009-09
Type: Text
Format [medium]: Manuscript
Format [IMT]: image/jpeg
Digitization Specifications: 800ppi 24-bit depth color; Scanned with
an Epson 15000 Photo scanner with Epson Scan software; Archival master is a
TIFF; Original converted to JPEG with Irfan View software.
Resource Identifier:
Source: The original, accession number 080428-82, from which
this digital representation is taken is housed in The
Littlejohn Collection at Wofford College,
located in the Sandor Teszler Library.
Language:En-us English
Relation [is part of]:The
Littlejohn Collection
Rights Management: This digital representation has been
licensed under an Attribution
- Noncommercial- No Derivatives Creative Commons license.

Contributing Institution: Wofford College
Web Site: http://www.wofford.edu/library/littlejohn-home.aspx

Dogs Worrying Sheep Will Be Shot, Sussex
photo letters
Image by World of Good
Stumbled on this while waking along a fairly remote footpath in Sussex. The lettering speaks volumes about the feelings of the person who wrote the message. You wouldn't mess with them, would you. We like the space on the bottom line, before 'BE SHOT'.

photo letters
Image by Jaypeg
A studio celebration breakfast in the new shop in London Bridge that Stephen designed the identity for. Although this picture is a bit rubbish, it does show why Henry had to come in an hour early. I am not sure her skill with the magnetic letters paid off though. They do have an allure though which I quite like.
