
Cool Photo Upload images

Large Rectangle

Some cool photo upload images:

Flickr Hack #10
photo upload
Image by Thomas Hawk

10. jUploadr. One of the things about Flickr's bulk uploader tool (in my opinion) is that it is not very good. Especially on a Mac it is very slow to load, won't strip the .jpg titles from the names of my photos, etc. jUploader was developed by Steve Cohen and offers a better, faster, way to upload. You can enter in default tags, descriptions, etc. for all of your photos or you can easily select photos to bulk tag/descript before uploading to Flickr. jUploader is also our official uploader for Zooomr as well and if you want to upload your shots to Flickr and Zooomr, once you are done with one you can simply click on the other to send your photos there as well. jUploadr runs on Windows, Linux and OS X.

If you like these Flickr hacks feel free to digg them here.

After the last set of photos, several more to upload!
photo upload
Image by Jess' Shoe Rack
been a bit busy, didn't have time to go thru the other photos I took yet. Stay put!

Uploaded for a fix.fixed
photo upload
Image by ClaraDon
This photo was uploaded to the "Fix My Pic" Group by Danni0525 to soften it, brighten the whites and clean up the background. Here is the original
