
Heart - photo used under Creative Commons Licence

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Check out these heart image images:

Heart - photo used under Creative Commons Licence
heart image
Image by Glamlife-studentportal
This photo, based on http://www.flickr.com/photos/seyyed_mostafa_zamani/4266283238/ by seyed mostafa zamani was used under a Creative Commons licence on the Glamlife student portal.

The image was visible on the portal front page, which sits behind a login. For a notion of context, you can look at a screenshot of the page layout here: glamlife.weblog.glam.ac.uk/27/7/2009/a-new-look-and-more.

The image was used in place of the photo of the clockface.

The image was used to link to a feature article about Valentine's Day: http://glamlife.glam.ac.uk/features/166-st-valentine-s-day-14th-february.

Thank you very much to seyed mostafa zamani for making the picture available under a CC licence. Please note that if you come across this photo and want to use it in any way, you should credit it to seyed mostafa zamani.

Heart SPECT nuclear imaging
heart image
Image by Patrick J. Lynch
Illustration by Patrick J. Lynch
Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License
High resolution versions of this and other medical artwork available for all uses at Wikimedia Commons

271/365 Rose Heart
heart image
Image by findingthenow
iPhone photo of heart for 365 project.

Image created using a torn tissue paper heart on top of a postcard, I use as a bookmark, of a beautiful rose painting by an artist called Cheryl Gissing.

Image cropped but otherwise unedited.
