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'Steamy Bath', Iceland, Reykjavik, The Blue Lagoon
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Image by WanderingtheWorld (www.LostManProject.com)
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Below is an excerpt from my travel blog. Cheers.

The Reykjavik Airport, or Keflavik International Airport sits on top of a lava field. The first smell is the pungent oder of sulfur dioxide emitting from the Earth. Just up the road is one of Iceland's most popular destinations, the Blue Lagoon. It's a bizarre, out-of-this-world place.

It's not recommended to go running through the lava field. Old geothermal areas still exist. The wrong step can mean death. The Icelandic people believe in mythical creatures. These stories helped explain the strange disappearance of people in lava fields. Strange stories for an amazingly strange place.
