
Poster-Album Art

Large Rectangle

A few nice photo albums images I found:

Poster-Album Art
photo albums
Image by Creativity+ Timothy K Hamilton
This consumed a good part of my Saturday. Part of my post-production work for a CD-album cover and poster. This is my first try a a small "commission" like this.
Now you may understand why I'm failing horribly in my visiting the photos of my friends. . sorry. . .

The bricks on the left side were done by making a partial "mask" and then turning it into a negative, and layering it back.

There ARE flaws in it, but since it will end up as a 4 inch x 4 inch CD cover, they should be OK at that size.
1k-9480 album-poster 1cr

Raquel Hell: The Album
photo albums
Image by Kaptain Kobold
The wigtastic new album from the UK/Aussie band Wombat Trannies.

So good that they now have their own set.

'Wearing Glasses' for the April 2012 Monthly Scavenger Hunt.

Made popular by the infamous MareyMercy, the Raquel Hell Wig is on a world-wide Flickr tour. Ask for an invite to join the group if you would like a visit.

Low - Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me
photo albums
Image by dhammza
Esta es una manía que tengo de siempre: rediseñar como a mi me de la gana las portadas de mis discos favoritos. Y esta serie será justamente eso, mi música revisitada en el mero ejercicio estético de combinar imagen y tipografía.
Todas las fotos son originales mías.

This is an obsession i have since ever: redesigning the way i wanted the covers of my favourite records. This series will be no more than that, my music revisited in just an aesthetic exercise combining images and typography.
All the photographies are mine.
