
Cool Photo Contest images

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Some cool photo contest images:

Speed Trap
photo contest
Image by - POD -
Taken for the Weekend Assignment and Contest Group.

This weekends assignment was "Toy Story". We had to take a photo of our toys and write a short story to accompany the photo. Here is my story:

~R2 had just finished running an internal diagnostic, while analyzing the report he realized his radar was on the fritz. In his haste to reach the Robo-Repair Plaza, he failed to see Officer Scum B. Ucket hiding in the Trogdor Forest.

Officer Ucket is well know through out the galactic empire. In his 27 years of service to the empire, he has never once failed to meet his quota. He is so devious and cunning with his speed traps that the droids have given him the title of "Dark Lord of the Highway". He has sullied the good name, and good driving record, of many young droids.

Needless to say, R2 will be receiving some unwanted mail in the next few weeks. He better get his radar fixed soon!~

Side note - for those in the United States, Canada takes photo-radar shots of speeders and sends the ticket in the mail later, just the thing to ruin your day...

Second side note - to any police officers that see this photo, I respect and admire what you do, I just hate photo-radar!

Lego Dali As Mona Lisa, Inspired by Philippe Halsman's 'Dali As Mona Lisa' (1954)
photo contest
Image by Kaptain Kobold
For the Dali Lego contest at the Lego Contest Network group.

Original inspiration in comments. It was a black and white photo, but I went for colour because Lego looks better in colour. Then I desaturated most of it. Dali ended up in a red dress because I didn't have suitable pieces to do any other colour. Aside from pink, and that really wouldn't have worked.

And also a perfect candidate for Sliders Sunday. I think I'm starting to get the hang of masking now.

Random Fact: Dali and I share a birthday.
