
Cool Photo Development images

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Check out these photo development images:

Colombia joins the OECD Development Centre
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Image by OECD Development Centre
During his visit to the OECD Headquarters, Jaime BERMUDEZ, Colombian Foreign Affairs Minister, stressed the importance for Colombia of collaborating with the organization from this time forth. Active participation in the OECD Development Centre in the future was underlined by both parts.

Jaime BERMUDEZ, Foreign Affairs Minister , Colombia signing the Livre d'Or / Ministre des Affaires étrangères, Colombie signant le Livre d'or.

No copyright fee but obligatory photo credit : ©OECD Photo/Hervé Cortinat ref CD208-85

Coffee Pickers in Timor-Leste
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Image by United Nations Photo
Coffee is one of Timor-Leste’s most important crops, bringing much-needed revenue to the country. Magdalena Salsinha, holding coffee beans, has been picking coffee since she was 15 years old. Now 55, she lives near Ermera and is married with six children.
Photo ID 470249. 15/04/2011. Timor-Leste. UN Photo/Martine Perret. www.unmultimedia.org/photo/

ICT4D, Innovation and the Millennium Development Goals Technology Salon at UN Week Digital Media Lounge
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Image by Wayan Vota
At the UN Week Digital Media Lounge, the ICT4D, Innovation, and Millennium Development Goals Technology Salon saw Wayan Vota, Robert Kirkpatrick, Erica Kochi, Linda Raftree, and Jim Rosenberg highlight new approaches to tackling Millennium Development Goal challenges using innovative information and communication technologies, or ICT.

Original photo here
