
Cool Change Background Image images

Large Rectangle

Check out these change background image images:

Journal Junk Image Challenge 7.29
change background image
Image by Samie Harding
I've a new collage challenge for you all!

I've collected random images from my collection and put them together on an 8.5 x 11 (US Letter) sheet for easy printing.

Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to create a journal entry using at LEAST THREE images on the sheet.

You may use MORE than 3, but no less. Think creatively; a framed photo is not only a photo, but a frame or border for something else, a flower a background to be sanded down. A clock has more parts than the whole. Bits and pieces, cut from the complete picture, can change an entire collage. And yes, using pieces counts as using an image.

Those are the only rules. You can use anything else in your collection of supplies, but it MUST be a journal entry (and journal is how you define it; loose leaf pages together are still pages in a journal).

Because of the image's size (hi-rez), it's available as a PDF download only.

Think you're up to the challenge? There are no winners or losers -- more an exploration of your own creativity and the thrill of seeing how differently we use the same images in our own journals. ;)

Any questions can be posted in the comments.

And leave a link to your image in the comments. :)

change background image
Image by Viewminder
I feel like I'm up against a wall.

I've gotta turn the focus around.

It's time to disconnect.

I gotta get lost for a while on my own.

Look inside myself and my soul.

Nourish it.

Escape from the background noise.

Unclutter my mind and focus on the path.

Something's been calling me...

and I can't figure it out.

I can't hear it and I need to.

I don't know if it's an idea or a thing...

a philosophy or some change...

but I need to find myself in the quiet...

and listen to that voice.

These dreams that I've been having are powerful messages.

I need to figure out what they mean.

I visualize my self as a caterpillar spinning a cocoon.

The understanding of what it is that I am seeking will emerge from that cocoon with me.

Of this I am certain.

I'll see you on the other side of this wall.

A couple of weeks might do it.

Time and space will tell.

We're all on the same journey.

Love and light.

Farewell for Now

Couple Collage
change background image
Image by Tampa Band Photos
My first-ever composite image. Took me about 3 hours of experimenting before I was able to clone the wall/sidewalk and make everything look believable. Also changed the color of the wall from a drab beige to a pastel green.

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