
Bristle Galaxy

Large Rectangle

A few nice edit image images I found:

Bristle Galaxy
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Image by cobalt123
Second of three images in a row, blue bristles of a very large round brush. This is not a macro, but a filled frame shot of a brush used for cleaning parking lots. I found great heavy equipment and machinery at Empire in Mesa, Arizona last August and took many shots in the early morning. Until I recently learned to edit images in the RAW format, I had previously been unsatisfied with my early experiments. Must be in a blue mood of sorts, three in a row on this subject.

Never Felt A Thing - Ottawa 05 07
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Image by Mikey G Ottawa
I love the way the roadway looks curvy across the top of this image. That's my left arm and hand.
I must have pressed the shutter release while my right hand was in motion as I brought my hand up to shoot- on the fly. The standard shutter release speed on this must be slow . . . . riding my bicycle & moving the camera distorted the image as you see here.
This could be fun to try on purpose!

Evil Titan
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Image by sjrankin
Colorized image of Titan from Cassini images (UV3, MT2, MT3). This was the first pass for the final image (the previous image). The UV3 image was taken closer to Titan than the others, giving Titan a malicious red glow I kind of liked.
