
Cool Search By Image images

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A few nice search by image images I found:

007 LAYS OUT PHASE 3 ...
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Image by mrbill78636
... The fire was still burning. The Volunteer Fire Department wasn't even trying to save the top half of the store building, only trying to keep the fire from spreading to other buildings. Finishing the search for the Goldeneye and his hired gun, 007's men reformed ranks at their original posts and waited for instructions. There was a dismal feeling throughout the posse. The Goldeneye had escaped once again. Then simultaneously everyone's cell phone rang.

007's voice came through clearly, “Everyone come immediately to Post Number One on the north road. This will be the final meeting for this group. Sluggishly, saddened men began to move toward their horses or to slowly ride toward the north. There was a depressed feeling of utter failure throughout the posse. But when they had all arrived at Post Number One, 007 was smiling.

007 was seated on his horse and the men sadly rode up and formed an orderly group in front of him, waiting for his announcement. 007 smiled even more broadly, then announced, “You have done a magnificent job. The only error was mine in believing The Goldeneye would even consider fighting the battle in a court of law. Now, it's time for the final showdown, but we only need four people involved in that. All of you deserve the gratitude of a world saved from chaos and anarchy. In the morning at 0900, if you will be at the Whistle Stop Constable's Office, you'll be given you check and a Citation of Merit for the wonderful job you've done. You'll notice a sizable bonus has been added to the amount of the check. Each of you have earned it, and I appreciate your have offered to give your lives to save the lives of so many of the citizens of the world. I would love to tell you all about the coming operation, but it is, of course, top secret and you'll just have to watch it unfold on television. Again, you are dismissed with the my gratitude and the thanks of a grateful world. If I may see Lt. Columbo, Charley Chan's Number One Grandson and Mrbill after this meeting, you stand dismissed. Please turn in your cell phones to Lt. Columbo as you leave.”

The men slowly left the area, filing by Lt. Columbo and tossing him their cell phones, smiling now and wondering just how much of a bonus they would find in their check tomorrow.

007 said to his three top men, “Time is of the essence now, we must ride quickly back to Phoenix. There is much to do and the wild west phase of this operations is over, as Pancho Villa used to say, 'ADALANTE, MUCHCHOS' on to the next adventure which will be total cyberwar.”
