
Nice Photo To Poster photos

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Check out these photo to poster images:

Poster: Service Learning
photo to poster
Image by peatbogyeri
Poster series designed by Jolanda-Pieta van Arnhem, then student Marcello Garofalo (Ai Charleston), and myself.

This series was designed as part of a collaborative community art project focusing on active individual involvement with environmental concerns in Charleston, SC. The posters were used to help viewers interact with Bryant Holsenbeck's Mandala installation at the College of Charleston Addlestone Library on Friday, October 22, 2010. Each poster contains a QR code linking to further environmental resources on participants' own websites, accessible by code reader apps on viewers' phones and mobile devices.

It was a fun collaboration. Jolanda was a big part of creating and coordinating all these interconnected events.

StickerShare poster
photo to poster
Image by andrew d miller
here's what my poster looks like for Interactivity@GT (our annual student showcase). Many thanks to the Flickr people who provided such awesome photos under the Creative Commons license! Super special thanks to girlunderway for graciously allowing me to use her photo even though it's All Rights Reserved and for sending me a larger version. I needed it, too: this poster is 4 feet by 3 feet. The full size here is actually only half size because flickr had problems with a file that big! Here's hoping this will lead to a job offer or three...

Linkback to source pictures as per Creative Commons:


photo to poster
Image by HAURY!

This photo was taken in Carrera, at the marble quarry Cave Michelangelo, named that way because this was the exact same mountain and cave he got his marble from.

For a sense of scale, there is a shipping container in the bottom right corner.

Poster project to interpret a roman virtue assigned to each person.
