
Nice Photo Sizes photos

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A few nice photo sizes images I found:

Bridge in the dark
photo sizes
Image by photophilde
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This is the bridge of Fragnée in Liège (Belgium, see map), lighted in blue during a dark evening of December 2008.

A lot of bridges of Liège are lighted currently in various and changing light.
I liked the reflection of the lights on the water and the symmetry of the bridge structure taken with a wide angle from below.

In Explore:

The list of my "Explore" photos: By best score or presented on black

Passage to history
photo sizes
Image by photophilde
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This gallery is along the gardens of the "Palais Royal" in Paris (see map).

The sun was low in that winter day and making a nice pattern of light on the ground with its red carpet and on the wall, through the arcades.

This place has seen a lot of famous persons going through during the previous centuries.

In Explore:

The list of my "Explore" photos: By best score or presented on black
