
Nubble's Ledge - Bailey Island, ME.

Large Rectangle

Check out these image shack images:

Nubble's Ledge - Bailey Island, ME.
image shack
Image by Doug van Kampen
Boy am I sure glad I save all the frames from the past on DVD's; You never know when you might want to process an old set. Such is the case with this set. A special thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Evans for giving me access to this wonderful vista!

Taken last spring on our trip out to Maine, this image epitomizes what Maine is all about - the harvest of the sea. All those little colorful buoys up there next to that fishing shack are lobster buoys. Not sure how many of you out there like lobster, but the lobster that comes out of this water tastes so delicious, it doesn't even need butter and tastes and smells of the wonderful aroma of salt water. The last time we were there (actually, every time we're there), we ate lobster that had been out of the water no longer than an hour! How's that for fresh!

About this image: the processing was remarkably difficult being that I had a single RAW (.nef) frame from this angle on that day. It's one of those cases when I'm thinking...."Why the heck didn't I bracket nine(9)!!!"

Photomatix 3.1.1>Lightroom 2.0: clarity, contrast, blacks, vibrance, and a little bit of sharpening>CS4: LAB curves adjustment on the A and B channels and sharpening on the luminosity layer>Lightroom 2.0: export to jpeg.

I wish you could have been there...

image shack
Image by Natasa Bozic Grojic
My first animated gif. To see the animation, scroll down to the Comments section and press the grey arrow right before the "Uploaded with Image Shack.us" part. Enjoy.

Beach Shack w/ hunt items
image shack
Image by ceoln
So here is the little beach shack that I built, along the same general lines as the beach house in the last image. As someone pointed out, it's sort of like the shack I had all those months ago back on PIER (which turns out to be Anubis Barnesworth's Bali house, by the way), only here I was going for a more sea-bleached feeling.

I've been unpacking from various hunts. :) The ground and trees and stone path are a single big object from the Strawberry Box, whence comes also the two seats on the front porch there. In fact I think pretty much everything in that picture except me and the house are from there, so I really ought to bother giving a link, let's see: The Strawberry Box @ The Cookie Jar. There ya go. :)
