
Nice Photo Library photos

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Some cool photo library images:

Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh, 1990
photo library
Image by National Library of Ireland on The Commons
Taken by photographer, Walter Brady.

You can compare this view of Enniskillen with its companion photo taken approximately 100 years earlier as part of the Lawrence Photographic Project 1990/1991, where one thousand photographs from the Lawrence Collection in the National Library of Ireland were replicated a hundred years later by a team of volunteer photographers, thereby creating a record of the changing face of the selected locations all over Ireland.

For further information on the Lawrence Photographic Project, read all about it on our NLI Blog.

Date: Sunday, 2 December 1990 at 14:00 (weather conditions - hazy and dry)

NLI Ref.: LPP_5/25

Computer access for everyone
photo library
Image by Gates Foundation
A teenage boy enjoys the computer services at the Union County Carnegie Library. A recent University of Washington study reported that people from all walks of life are using computers and Internet access at public libraries, regardless of their income, race, and level of education. Teenagers are the most active users, with half of 14- to 18- year olds using them primarily for homework. (Union, South Carolina, 2009)

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